pm7o, the new Management Consultancy
pm7o, the new Management Consultancy.
pm7o has been operating on individual bases and need-bases over the past 30 years and now is a full-service consulting group of professionals, that specializes in the unique needs of client's organizations, providing guidance through every aspect of starting, managing and making profitable different businesses.
pm7o tailors its services to meet the client's and industry's unique needs.
pm7o stands for Project Management 7 Operations, detailed below:
- Design and Development
- Pre-Installation Review
- Testing (Dry Run and Wet Run)
- Training and Comunication
- Installation
- Follow Up and Coaching
- Sustainability
pm7o helps client's organizations and their people, to take their businesses to new levels of performance, delivering results on a scale and at a speed the company would not be able to achieve on its own.
pm7o transforms operational performance by helping client's organizations use their existing assets more effectively. Working in joint teams, pm7o improves their top line through increased throughput and revenue and/or their bottom line with reduced operational costs. A critical element that pm7o focus on, is improving the effectiveness of the management team.
pm7o approach complements existing initiatives such as Lean, Kaizen and Six Sigma.
Tailored to the specific needs of each client's organization, pm7o experts use a variety of tools to transfer the required skills and knowledge. In doing so, they help every member of the client's organization undergoing the change program, to feel a greater personal connection with it and by extension with its performance. pm7o is expert in the detail, helping in creating pace and momentum, removing barriers to change, arming people with the tools, skills and behaviors they need and creating employee ownership.
pm7o does not just advise client's organizations what to change and why. pm7o shows client's organizations how to do it quickly and expertly, leaving their people with pragmatic skills and behaviors that keep on delivering results long after the assignment ends.